D I G I T A L  O I L
A series of studies I did, exercising in digital oil painting. Inspiration was taken, for the portraits, from old masters, following a painting process similar to traditional oil painting and studying light and composition..
A series of botanical illustration realized for Studio Punto a Capo, illustrating the 38 Flowers that comprehends the Bach Remedies. Digital art realized in Clip Studio Paint.
T H E   M E R M A I D
Illustrated book project done for my Master in Editorial Illustration at the Scuola Superiore d'Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, in Milan. I chose to illustrate the short poem by William Butler Yeats.
Digital painting, printed and exposed at the Moleskine Café in Milan.
A series of fake posters for various operas, inspired by Mucha and real period posters used in theatres, with the main characters of the comic I'm working on, and some costume studies.
Traditional technique, gouache markers and indian ink on watercolour paper.
The titles were added on Photoshop.

C U L T U R E   F O R   G R A N T E D
Personal reflection, doodled in pen on paper, coloured and lettered digitally, over the accessibility of museums and culture of Italian museums and organisations. Done after the Nth private commission that had me researching Italian and Roman archaeology... With mixed results.
V E C T O R I A L   I L L U S T R A T I O N S
I don't often work in vectorial format because I like rougher and less polished textures. I do it anyway, mainly for websites and more graphic-related projects. Here's some samples.
L O R D   O F   T H E   R I N G S
I'm a Tolkien fan, and decided to experiment some more child-friendly style illustrating some characters from Tolkien most known trilogy.
Coloured pencils and brushpen.
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