A I S L I N G   O ' F A O L à I N
Character design for one of the two main characters of an original story I'm working on. She's an Irish-Sardinian woman, trying to publish her own research on sperm whale behaviour in Oxford in 1907. Alone, as an independent woman and with her own name to it. It may be more difficult than she thought it would be.
N A R O A   A R R A N O M E N D I
Character design for the second of the two main characters of an original story I'm working on. First of four sisters in a Basque family of sailors, she decided to crossdress as a man and move to Iceland to sustain her family after her father died. She worked as an harpooner on whaling ships, until the Hvalur wrecked, caught between a storm and a pod of sperm whales. Naroa was the only survivor.
S h a h r a z a d
Rakshasi, Indian, lost her memory after she incautiously made Shiva too angry for her own good. He took all her memories and exiled her. Lived without but scarce memories in Central Asia, granting wishes in exchange for food, lodging, impossible promises of finding the heart she has lost, or her true name. Returned back to India when she heard the East India Company found "something" of great power she thought it was hers. Followed it all the way to England and got stuck in London at the service of the Fairy Queen of the Unseelie Court. Can do magic, manipulate fire, she doesn't like noblemen and the climate, is very cranky but acts as she gets treated.
Doesn't like wasting anything, food in particular, but she won't eat trifle to save her life.
W i n i f r e d   Q u i c k
Winifred Quick is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter of the last Druid of St. Ives, Cornwall. Gifted with magical powerrs and a grandpa who's too much into Victorian standards to yield and teach the Art to a girl, she didn't give in. After her mother gave her the diary of great-grandfather, a powerful Druid with a knack for glimpsing into the future and the feeling a hereditary probelm may have occurred, Winifred headed to London on suggestion of a Brownie she saved from a mouse trap.
She soon discovered that the only two beings in the magical London underground were a Witch from the East with a terrible case of amnesia and a bad temper, and a stranded Jotunn who never felt like going back to Norway after the Viking Invasions.
A goose is her familiar, named Reginald.

F j o l v a r r
A Norwegian Jotunn, aka Frost Giant, who kept faith to his name meaning ("The Cautious One"). Never one for much action, he decided once to join an expedition to England, after the sons of Ragnarr Lothbrok, giving a hand in conquering more fertile lands. Severely wounded by a good placed axe directly on his nose at the battle of Edington, he was believed dead and left on the battlefield. But the Valkyries never came for him: he woke up the next day with the headache of a lifetime, shrugged and decided to stay there. And he did stay, making a living as mercenary and getting easily by.
When Cromwell came to power and civil and religious wars came to be... Quite harsh, even for him, he decided to pack his hoard and travel north. He was welcomed on Skye by the Fairy Court there, and stayed there for a good couple of centuries. Passionate about literature, he fell instantly in love -somehow- with Jane Austen's witty writing and clever social satyre, and decided to go back south to meet his idol. The Fairy Queen didn't take it well and exiled him, keeping his hoard for good measure. He returned London, and was left there, under the protection of another fairy queen and getting by via underground boxing matches and the occasional heist on behalf of not so benevolent fairies, under the name of Mr. Darcy.

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