I am a comic artist, illustrator and graphic designer from Milan, Italy.
I love clean lines and clear detailing, and to mix and match my various expertises and passions in my work.
My strong points are inking and linearts, I do love neat and precise lines both in visual arts and in graphic design. Storytelling, being it implemented into a comic page, an illustration, or more metaphorically into the brand identity of a company in terms of graphic cohesion, a wise choice of colours and recurring symbols and patterns.
Last but not least, my academic formation in English and Russian Literature left me with a love for good research and quoting in designs, and a keen eye on consistency, coherence and correctness for all text formats.
Mothertongue italian, proficient in English, decent Russian and French.
And before you ask no, I'm not related to any politician in any way.
The bird is a grey petrel, I liked its italian and Latin name: "Procellaria", aka a bird who flies into storms. It sounded hopeful and strong.
– Writer, Pencil and Ink Artist for the webcomic http://thelastbacchae.tumblr.com
– Internship at Art@Work, as Illustrator and Graphic Designer (2013).
– Graphic Designer for website: http://mariachiaraverderi.it
– Web Designer and Marketing Designer for Studio Punto e a Capo: http://studiopuntoeacapo.it
– Graphic Designer for website: http://yogatranoi.it
– Comic Workshop Teacher for Erasmus+ Programme about comic-making and storytelling in Novara (4-5 September 2018)
– Online trainer in Digital Content Production, for One&One Entertainment. (October 2018)
– Illustrator -pencil and ink artist- for Granadilla Lab’s Artbooks, “Cyrcus” and “Cyrcus Anthology”, in collaboration with Martina Bonanni as a colourist. (https://www.facebook.com/Granadillalab/)
– Standist at various North-Italy comic conventions (Cartoomics, Milan, 2017, 2018 ad 2019; Bricòla, Milan Comic Museum, 2018 and 2019; AleComics, 2018; Brianza Comics, 2017; Treviso Comic Book Festival, 2017).
– Ink Artist for Drawhouse Comics webcomic Mindfold: http://mindfoldcomic.webcomic.ws/
– Graphic Designer for website: https://scuolabach.it/
– Merch Artist for charity zine “De Natura Deorum”: https://it.ulule.com/de-natura-deorum/
- Graphic designer for Sintesi Infomedica s.r.l.
- Graphic and Apparel Designer and Illustrator for the projects Most Wanted and the Sangiorgese Basket uniforms. (https://www.kendush.com) .
– BA degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures
(English and Russian), C1 knowledge of English and B2 of Russian, Università Statale di Milano (2011-2014)
– Comic Artist diploma in the Scuola del Fumetto di Milano (2011-2013)
– Master in Editorial Illustration in the Scuola Superiore d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milan (2017-2018)

– Adobe Suite – Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
- Affinity Suite - Photos, Designer, Publisher
– Microsoft Office Suite – Word, PowerPoint, Excel
- Other Art Softwares: Clip Studio Paint, Paint Tool SAI
– Languages: Italian (native), English (excellent), Russian (basic), French (basic)
– Coding: basic knowledge of HTML5 and PHP
– CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Jimdo
– Creative Writing, Screenwriting, Copywriting and Translation
– Content Creation for Social Media
– Digital Photography and photo editing
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